
Product School Alumni Panel
I'll be an instructor at Mentor Mesh! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jaeintech_mentormesh-leadership-edtech-activity-6970413489903308800-8IEq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Senior Product Manager (Technical), ML/RL Products at Amazon! I'm looking forward to continue growing and becoming the best version of myself....
Spearheading a new opportunity as the Chief Product Officer at Five Mics Studio! Check out what we're working on! #gaming #hiphop #startup fivemics.io
Cooking up something special on PM insights with Jatin…stay tuned.
It's that time again and tickets are now available for BITCON 2022! BITCON is the annual conference for the Blacks In Technology community hosted by Blacks In Technology, LLC (BIT) and the 501(c)(3...
I'll be speaking for the Black Product Manager African Chapter, feel free to check it out. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/developing-a-product-thinking-mindset-as-a-pm-tickets-320662890337?utm_source...
I was featured on the Better Product Community site! Feel free to check out the article! #ProductManagement https://betterproduct.community/resource/community-spotlight-tristan-pennicott-ibm-cloud/
Thrilled to be accepted into For(bes) the Culture. Powered by Forbes, the mission of For(bes) The Culture is to create equitable pathways for black and brown professionals. We’re a hub for elite le...
I'm now an expert at Wizly! It is a platform where the new age workforce can connect with the best subject matter experts to solve their business challenges in real time. There are over 120 high pr...
I got an awesome shoutout from Mentor Dial! https://twitter.com/mentordial/status/1501350274186817536?s=20&t=NiGwLBa9Mq0qJerfwM5k3Q
If you're into cloud computing, feel free to check out this panel on the latest trends on 2/17! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/netdata-cloud_the-netdata-troubleshooting-show-the-2022-activity-68975...
Here's a helpful #BlackHistoryMonth post I did on Linkedin that seems to be making the rounds. Feel free to share the links and connect! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tristan-pennicott_networking-...
Just worked on a hype reel for IBM. Felt good to link up with some teammates. Stay tuned for the finished product 😉
I am now a mentor for @MentorDial: MentorDial provides both business and career advice so you can maximize your situation. Mentors are in the top 10% of their industries, which means they know what...
I recently hosted an AMA on Ladder.to! https://ladder.to/c/pm/ovK1XnpMA06vJPc1Qefg/USyikZsfquRBeJfhX5BU
I was recently featured on Product of Color...check it out! https://www.productofcolor.org/stories/tristan-pennicott
I recently was featured on the Interstellar Business Podcast...feel free to check it out! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bullandrew_productmanagement-culture-podcast-activity-6887317625173491712-yff_
Give the gift of interview prep! I've partnered with Exponent to get a holiday promo code. Feel free to use my link here!
Check out my feature on Product led growth predictions for 2022! https://productled.com/blog/future-of-product-led-growth/
I'm officially a member of Bleeker.co! Bleeker surrounds you with essential resources to build a meaningful career. Entrepreneurs, executives, artists, athletes, advocates, philosophers, professors...
View my developer advocate page! #cloudcomputing #productmanager
I'm happy to announce that I was selected to be a leader in the Product Led Community! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/productled_were-happy-to-announce-the-official-launch-activity-6866824159226425...
Speaking at the The City College of New York ACM Tech Career Panel today! I'll be a panelist with people from Google, Mixpanel and other companies.
See all you current and aspiring Product Managers at Product Con today! https://productschool.com/productcon/
Thrilled to be joining a community as a lead for brilliant thinkers in the product space! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/productled_were-happy-to-announce-the-official-launch-activity-6866824159226...
Welcoming @jswright, the founder of Polygamorous and Cybersecurity enthusiast to Polywork!
It's day one of #AfroTech! Looking forward to meeting and connecting with people there! Lots of great sponsors! https://www.experience.afrotech.com/at-conference
I recently passed 6,000 connections on Linkedin. I was able to organically grow by network from 1,000 to 6,000 this year alone. I was able to do that by speaking at conferences, holding sessions an...
How cool is it to be featured on our very own @Polywork? #NationalMentorDay https://twitter.com/Polywork/status/1453504452984455173?s=20
I'm always looking to give back and collaborate. I'll be talking about tech, product management and cloud computing tonight with fellow Sr Amazon HR Erica N Holmes, MBA for the Virginia chapter of ...
Stay on the grind....it will all work out! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tristan-pennicott_goals-work-success-activity-6856208036852183040-mwBw
I'll be participating in the Black Product Manager's Network Level Up program starting today! Including sponsorship from companies such as Intuit, Index Ventures and LinkedIn! https://www.linkedin....
It's day 2 of BITCON! Really enjoying the speeches and networking! #BITCON https://bitcon2021.com
2021 has been a year filled with some really high highs and low lows. I had a wedding, started a new job in my career path and accomplished many of my financial and personal goals. I’m thankful for...
I'm honored to serve as the New York chapter for Blacks in Technology. BITCON 2021 is around the corner with some great speakers and amazing opportunities. Check it out! https://bitcon2021.com
I was recently interviewed by Cole Mercer who runs the popular Udemy course "Become a Product Manager" with Evan Kimbrell. He just launched a new course "Get Hired as a Product Manager". Feel free ...
I'm almost at 5K followers on Linkedin. I've started to use my product sense and treated it as a product. I've been ideating and making improvements up from 347 to start the year. Linkedin optimiza...
I thoroughly enjoyed networking and meeting my fellow product enthusiast at #ProductCon!
Just joined a new community and invited from the founder, check it out! https://glasp.co/home
Across our society, talent is equally distributed — but opportunity is not. iMentor is fighting to give every young person a fair chance to graduate college and fulfill their potential. For first-g...
I'm on a personal mission to demystify product management. As a result of that, I am happy to announce that I have a partnership with https://www.tryexponent.com/?ref=tristanpennicott! It's a great...
Research and development on IBM Cloud Satellite starts today...some really cool things coming! https://www.ibm.com/cloud/satellite
https://bizfluenceapp.com/ Just signed up for Bizfluence! 😎 Check it out!
Calling all new grads and interns. We are about to kick off the 2022 Early Professional Hiring Season for qualified candidates interested in the entry-level and summer internship roles for Product ...
Joined the Black Product Managers network featuring PMs from top companies like Netflix, Facebook and Google. The goal is to increase black representation in product management. https://www.blackpr...
I joined one of the most impactful communities on the internet - Mentor Mesh. If you’re serious about leveling up your career this is the place to be. https://community.mentormesh.io/share/byDu6p0T...
I also became an early adopter for Ladder. It’s for rising young professionals to level up their careers. Awesome community to help mentor and guide. Reach out if you need an invite. https://ladder...
Just joined the brand new BIT Clubhouse room. Come hear some of the most influential people in tech! https://www.clubhouse.com/club/blacks-in-technology
Check out this article from Yahoo! Blacks in Technology is all about increasing black representation. BITCON will provide practical tools, resources, innovative workshops, and inspiring discussions...
Cooking up something for BITCON. https://bitcon2021.com
Pre-seed was completed and the claims department was steady! https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/wagmo-raises-3-million-in-oversubscribed-seed-funding-round-300972190.html
Helped scale Wagmo from pre-seed through series A! https://techcrunch.com/2021/07/06/wagmo-raises-12-5-million-to-offer-pet-insurance-and-a-lot-more/
Absorbing all things IBM Cloud…I love it! #NewHire #ProductManager https://courses.cognitiveclass.ai/certificates/f7685ab13dcc4046a4009ac1c4be174f
Polywork is going to be a lot of fun. Here’s to making some awesome connections 🍻